Membership Levels

30% off Massage Therapy Services and Enhancements
- 30% off Massages
- 20% off Gift Certificates for services (excludes $ Value Gift Certificates)
- Good for a year
Single: $12 per month
Family: $20 per month (Includes 2 adults)
Pay in Full Option
Single: $144
Family: $240

15% off Massage Therapy Services and Enhancements
- One Time Payment
- 15% off Massages
- Good for a year
Single: $30
Family: $50 (Includes 2 adults)
**** Third party vouchers/pricing and intro rates are for first time clients ONLY.****
Promotional value expires 120 days after purchase. Amount paid never expires. New customers only. Appointment required at least 24 hours in advance; subject to availability. Limit 1 per person; attempts to redeem additional vouchers will not be honored. Must be 18 or older; under 18 requires presence of parent or guardian. Merchant’s standard cancellation policy applies (any fee not to exceed vouvher price.) Valid only for option purchased. Merchant is soley responsible to purchasers for the care and quality of the advertised goods and services.